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Changelog August


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  • Governor message cooldown 10min -> 30min
  • SWAT Loadout
    • Removed Toolkit
    • Removed Watch
    • Added more smokes
    • Added IR Lazer
    • Organized inventory
    • More Ammo
  • LSD sheets are now made at the purification factory
  • LSD sheets price 1150 > 900
  • Weed seeds are no longer purchasable at the drug dealer
  • Reduced RPG rocket price $280,000 > $175,000
  • Reduced the required cash to craft RPG rockets $100,000  > $45,000
  • Gang Fort
    • Gang fort is now a 'King of the hill' like gameplay
    • Gangs can obtain points by having their members within a 150 meter radius of the flag
    • Points are given out every 30 seconds
    • A maximum of 8 members per gang are allowed within a 1500 meter radius
      • Exceeding this will result in a hard reduction of your points (reduction of the entire amount of members active within the area every 30 seconds)
    • Spawning inside your house is disabled whenever you die within the gang fort area while its active
    • A scoreboard will appear if you are active within 500 meters of the gang fort while its active


  • Airdropped vehicles having thermals enabled


If you discover any bugs please file a bug report

Innate, Savage., Junke and 18 others like this
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9 minutes ago, Mitch said:


  • Gang Fort
    • Gang fort is now a 'King of the hill' like gameplay
    • Gangs can obtain points by having their members within a 150 meter radius of the flag
    • Points are given out every 30 seconds
    • A maximum of 8 members per gang are allowed within a 1500 meter radius
      • Exceeding this will result in a hard reduction of your points (reduction of the entire amount of members active within the area every 30 seconds)
    • Spawning inside your house is disabled whenever you die within the gang fort area while its active
    • A scoreboard will appear if you are active within 500 meters of the gang fort while its active


I Love You GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Mitch, shawn and ObiWoki like this
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28 minutes ago, Mitch said:


  • Governor message cooldown 10min -> 30min
  • Weed seeds are no longer purchasable at the drug dealer

rando nerfed governor messages. sofia plunged back into poverty, lfg. house weed was stupid after the first month and should have never been processable at drug dealers. glad its gone

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6 minutes ago, Hakeem said:

could you clarify if this is the first step to delete sativa/indica from the game or are you looking for a new ways to gather/buy seeds?

Yes this is the first step to removing it from the game, if we want to do anything else with it between now and removing it completely we will communicate that

Cre likes this
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1 minute ago, Zurph said:

surely not, the houses had no effect on Nv owning the gang fort you guys were just top tier arma players that out skilled everyone.

They had 0 effect all it did was get us back faster. Nothing stopped you from blowing up the houses in NEO. And don’t act like you didn’t have several sheds and some houses nearby hahahaha

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Just now, Dillon said:

They had 0 effect all it did was get us back faster. Nothing stopped you from blowing up the houses in NEO. And don’t act like you didn’t have several sheds and some houses nearby hahahaha

i was complementing you man, why are you taking it so hard?

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Would be nice if we  had like 12 new cartels. Remake the currents as well.

Got bored yesterday while waiting for the internet to get fixed and whipped up a 20-30 min wongs for shits and gigs.  I just hate seeing simple cartels. with 1 or 2 things to move around or in. I miss Ghost Hotel! That was amazing times.



I'm excited for the upgrades none the less.

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15 hours ago, Zurph said:

surely not, the houses had no effect on Nv owning the gang fort you guys were just top tier arma players that out skilled everyone.

We have been the best arma3 gang since before you had the game downloaded bucko, the moment you did download the game you spent all day fanboying asking for autographs in our team speak and then discord lobby xd congratz on captain tho 🍆

3 hours ago, Trioxide said:

Wait so they had an effect? I’m just asking…

They have 0 effect because you nor any other gang fought it, I used my houses for 1 day the whole time ive had them because simply if anyone showed up they wouldn't try again 🤷‍♂️ Houses dont matter if it takes 1 fight to win

Its pretty obv the nv guild are leagues ahead of any faction so finding ways to remove them has been the meta since 2015, you new gens just finding out idk keep feeding our egos somemore pls widsyy survives on it 💯

jsh likes this
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