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Server Rules Update Log


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Changed formatting for exploiting

- Added Hiding in places that conceal your player in a manner that is not intended such as, in rocks, sandbags, vehicles, static objects (crashed helis and vehicles placed) ect.

- Added active firefight rule under RDM:  If a player knowingly enters an active fire fight they do so at their own risk. 


Twinkie, Nubis, Kitui and 15 others like this
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  • 3 weeks later...


Wearing a gang tag for a gang in which you are not in will result in admin action. This is being implemented to reduce the confusion during initation, gang wars, etc. It should go without mentioning that this has the potential to negatively impact a gangs reputation if unauthorized users are representing a gang's tag.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


We've made a clarification to the rules regarding entering another players house.


Going forward, Dropping Y inventory to prevent other players from climbing ladders, entering doors, or to block roadways is not allowed.


We have also updated the rule around VDM

***Intentional*** contact between vehicles is not allowed and will be treated as VDM. Example: If someone is in a IFRIT, and a hatch back rams into their side, back, or front on purpose, they will be held accountable for VDM regardless if the IFRIT was destroyed or disabled.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Intentional contact between vehicles that directly causes loss of life, or the disablement or destruction of the vehicle is considered VDM. Also, repeated attempts at intentional contact that fail to cause immediate injury or loss will also be considered VDM since it's clear of the intent behind the actions.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Added to RDM section of rules:

Initiation last 5 minutes from the time instructions are given. (No changes, previous forum post stating this was removed, added to official rules)

On the same token stealing another players vehicle is also done at one's own risk. (This has always been held by the admin team, if you steal another players vehicle you should expect to be shot at, now in writing)

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  • 2 months later...

If a player complies and does what you ask, that does not give you the right to still kill them. You need to have a legit RP reason why they must still die and not having any money when you rob them is not enough. This includes people who are in restraints and have complied.


Clarification  :You cannot kill people who are restrained without an RP reason who have complied.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Asylum aggression system

Red = Dead 

A player would appear red to you if they have done damage to you or a group mate recently. Players will also turn red for shooting and hitting vehicles you are in. If your gang is at war with another gang members of the rival gang will appear red. If you are in a group with non gang mates the player you are at war with will not appear red to them and you must shoot first before they are allowed to engage.


This is now written as the previous post containing the aggression system was deleted from the forums.

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Updated/Reworded BH rules - No changes here.


It is not intended for you, your gang, or known associates to profit from your bounty as a bounty hunter. This is considered bounty sharing.

Profiting from your own bounty will result in money being removed and possible action being taken.

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Added Clarification on initiation to include texting all cops/medics is not valid initiation:

No type of initiation may be done through direct chat, side chat, 911/311, or vehicle via typing. All initiation must be done with your voice or via text message to a specific player.   


No change to current rule, clarification only.


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  • 2 months later...

Slight wording change to helicopter VDM rules, Note: this has been held by admins for some time, updating the rules to match.


Impeding the flight path of a helicopter with your own helicopter is not allowed.

             IE: You hover over a helicopter as it is taking off, it rises up and hits you, you are responsible for the VDM. 


Impeding the flight path of a helicopter with your own helicopter is not suggested.

Lines about intentional contact being vdm regardless of outcome. - (These are covered under impeding the flight path change)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

 If you are playing the game and someone happens to break a rule against you. And you in turn ask for reasonable compensation (equal to the  game value of the items lost) or a reasonable amount to compensate for a situation where a monetary value was not lost. You are not able to continue the report process. By accepting compensation you forfeit the ability to report. If you decide to continue though the process, you are liable to be banned for a discretionary amount of time by the reviewing staff member.  To add, every attempt should be made to resolve a violation at the lowest level before submitting a formal report. Accidents happen and people should be given the opportunity to correct their mistake. 

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Added rule around Gov system:


The Governor system is intended to be a server wide feature that allows anyone to run for and hold the position. The rule is that you, or any member of your gang cannot hold office more than once in a 30 day period. Any attempt to circumvent this 30 day requirement such as leaving the gang etc will be considered exploiting. It's imperative that we work to ensure that this server feature is not cornered by one or two groups of people. The team of staff reserves the right to review and judge as needed. If we feel that your actions, group, or gang status was changed to exploit this feature. You are liable for administrative action being taken against you. 

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  • 1 month later...

AFKing on the server for any amount of extended time in which a staff member determines to be egregious will result in administrative action being taken on you. Your first violation will be met with a warning and a sliding scale of time off the server will be in effect. Just don't do it. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Added clarification on initiation:


When initiating in person and you have a gun raised and pointed at the player you intend to initiate on, the gun takes place of the threat. Therefore, saying a threat in a statement for initiation need not be done. Example: Hands up or die/be downed. (Hands up = action) (die/be downed = threat)

Big Bird, MoLu., Innate and 3 others like this
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Using the multi server system with syncing to give you or your allies an advantage in any way.

With regard specifically to Cartels, if you, or your gang, is found logging in within 1 Kilometer to take or stop a attack, if sufficient evidence is present, this will be bannable.


Server mechanics prevent these actions and this rule has lost its relevancy. 

MoLu. likes this
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  • 3 months later...

Adding clarification to the Helicopters section in Misc. Rules due to recent confusion:


Previously stated:


Impeding the flight path of a helicopter with your own helicopter is not allowed.

             IE: You hover over a helicopter as it is taking off, it rises up and hits you, you are responsible for the VDM. 

Warning shots are allowed against helicopters that are attempting to land or hover near your position.

If the helicopter does not leave the area after multiple warning shots, you may attempt to disable the helicopter.

Enabling the advanced flight model to take off will be considered exploiting. Commonly referred to as "Quick Spooling". We are not banning the use of advanced flight model, just enabling it to take off to avoid situations.



Players may use the advanced flight model on Asylum Servers. However, players risk being banned while using the advanced flight model when they use it to INTENTIONALLY avoid RP/initiation situations when spooling up to take off. If a player has the advanced flight model enabled, he/she must give sufficient time (equal to that of a normal flight model) for a player to RP/initiate while spooling up to take off. If a player doesn't allow sufficient time while using the advanced flight model they will receive a ban due to "Quick Spooling" as an exploit. If a player attempting to spool up and take off cannot see you attempting to RP/initiate (left open to discretion by the Admin team) they are not going to receive a ban because you were hiding in the house next to the helicopter or 400m away as it took off and happened to see it.


Now stated:


Impeding the flight path of a helicopter with your own helicopter is not allowed.

             IE: You hover over a helicopter as it is taking off, it rises up and hits you, you are responsible for the VDM. 

Warning shots are allowed against helicopters that are attempting to land or hover near your position.

If the helicopter does not leave the area after multiple warning shots, you may attempt to disable the helicopter.

Players may use the advanced flight model. However, using/enabling the advanced flight model to take off will be considered exploiting if INTENTIONALLY used to avoid RP/initiation situations. Commonly referred to as "Quick Spooling" and is a bannable server violation under exploiting.

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  • 5 months later...

Added to Exploiting:

  • Attaching a macro/scroll wheel and/or any program/component assisting the firing rate of a weapon

Added to Initiation(for clarification as many new players were asking about this):

  • Sirens may be used by APD Officers to initiate but the officer MUST ensure players are within audible distance of the siren. This is done at the risk and discretion of the APD Officer as they are initiating on everyone within audible distance.


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  • 3 months later...

Added to Combat Log (CL):

You MAY log off if you have been restrained for more than 10 minutes

  • This DOES NOT include APD restraints

  • If you choose to fight back after your restraints break you are choosing to re-enter the situation and your timer resets.



Mental Asylum/Evidence Lockup/Jewelry vehicles:

Similar to shipping robbery minus the tracking on the map - rolling red zone, easy to distinguish due to color of the vehicle 


VDM Clarification.

  • Knowingly killing/downing spangled players caused by yourself or a group/gang member is VDM.

  • If the player was hit intentionally, and the shooter is in the same gang both are held responsible, 

  • If the player was hit intentionally, and the shooter is NOT in the same gang only the driver is held responsible.

  • If the hit was accidental, and the shooter is in the same gang the shooter is held responsible, 

  • If the hit was accidental, and the shooter is NOT in the same gang then no one is banned.


Multiple accounts.

The use of multiple accounts to knowingly benefit your other account while both logged into the server is strictly prohibited.

Examples but not limited to - Using one account to initiate while your other is set up in an advantageous posistion.

Having multiple accounts simultaneously running drugs or 1 collecting/processing and 1 defending.



Restraints DO NOT extend initiation.

This means that if your group/gang member has been restrained, and it has been over 5 minutes since last initiation, you will need to re-initiate before killing the players holding them.

Sandwich, da1, Louie and 13 others like this
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  • 1 month later...

Added to RDM:

Suicide Vests:

  • Suicide vests no longer require initiation to detonate in crowded areas or to save a captured gang member.
  • If seen wearing a suicide vest you may be shot on sight by any player without initiation. 

Added to Housing:

  • Players who are logging in with the sole purpose of keeping houses without actually playing, risk their homes being removed with a warning. Accounts will be reviewed by Senior Admins to determine if the player is playing the bare minimum to maintain properties. ( After 2 months of low activity you will be contacted )

Added to Exploiting:

  • Using Advanced Flight Model to fast spool a helicopter, regardless of the situation will be considered an exploit.
  • Shooting the back of Quilins to cause them to explode

Property Protection:

  • Attempting to destroy/steal a player's property/vehicle opens you/your group up to one way initiation with the opposing group.
  • Attempting to destroy a player owned home only grants the homeowner one way initiation with you and your group - This does not apply to group/gang members houses or houses you have keys to. The gang spawn building is excluded and all gang members are able to protect this property.


  • Guessing a groups password to join and betray them is not against server rules. Your group should be more secure. (Not an update just a clarification)
Innate, DarkKnight, Panda and 9 others like this
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  • 2 weeks later...


**Intentional Harboring of a cheater in your group or gang will not be tolerated and you will also be banned when caught if the evidence finds you guilty**

Any gang/group caught inviting/grouping/harboring/playing with a cheater will be banned.

This means anyone in the gang/group with a cheater will be banned per below.

You MUST be mindful of who you allow to play with your gang/group.

All Senior Admin's approval (100%) will be required to make an exception/unbanning from this rule.


The Gang/Group Member Ban (GMB) length will be as follows for each member if member is to be found guilty:

Initial Ban: 30 days

Second Ban: 60 days

Final Ban: 180 days (Every ban beyond this will be subject to review and increased)

These bans are applicable to the entire gang/group but stack individually for each member.


Information DIRECTLY leading to the ban of a cheater will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000,000 and up to $5,000,000 (Pending SA approval and discretion) 

da1, NewYork718, Ken and 26 others like this
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  • 2 months later...

With the addition of the small circles marked on every drug dealer/wongs the below has being removed and now falls under the "within the circle" red zone ruling.


Interaction range.

  • Wongs, Drug Dealer - The target must be within range of using the NPC/Sign.



Harassment Addition

Bringing anything that is personal to a player into ANY public space of Asylum, without their explicit permission is not allowed.

Witz, Donald, Panda and 7 others like this
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  • 3 weeks later...

Added to exploiting

  • Shedding/unlipping vehicles into structures 
  • Intentionally unflipping a vehicle into a structure/object or closing a door/gate to destroy a vehicle that doesn’t cause the death of another player shall now be considered exploiting.
  • Intentionally soft logging after being revived/reviving another player to bypass the revive cooldown is considered an exploit
Niels, Fitz, Trist and 12 others like this
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