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On 7/12/2021 at 5:16 AM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

Ok, so what does that update look like? people always say update but fail to provide actual ideas that improves the situation. We are listening but need ideas that we could actually do. 


Ifrit prices and chop prices should increase, forcing players to revert to using 1-2 ifrits in a fight rather than 1 ifrit per person, honestly its ruined the meta for fights as there isnt any strategy to anything anymore, cartels used to be fun now they're dog. In regards to locations for cartels. Bring back north wongs, bring back east arms. I know its something we've already had but it mixes things up for now 

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 @Ethan Darrell @Mitch (IFRIT)Hello. I have two ideas for new content. My first idea is ok but I feel like the second idea would spice up the server. My first idea would be a new cartel that collects tax from legal ways of making money. For example a natural resource cartel that receives a cut from legal vendors like jewelry, commodity, timber, market produce (apples) being sold or purchased.  

Natural resource location 1: https://gyazo.com/7d258d6cd17db77680cefec4b735efef


Natural resource cartel location #2: https://gyazo.com/98c27e24d479b620d63d8b0f575f3afe


Another idea I had was city turfs. The general idea is like gang turfs. A city or landmark near a city will turns into a red zone and allows for capture. If captured the winner will collect a tax on EVERYTHING (illegal(drug & wong), legal( garage fees, weapon store, selling or buying with any trader)) sold or bought within the city they fought for. There will be 4 city turfs (Kavala, Sofia, Athira, and Pyrgos) Only one city turf can be active at a time. I have no idea how long they should last and how often they should pop.

  Just an idea here but I'm thinking maybe even allowing the APD to compete for these city turfs  in hope to make fights feel different and fresh every time they pop. The APD can either get the tax or a check like they do when winning a federal event as their reward. (When a city turf capture zone is active no federal events may be started to give cops the break from being raped at federal events.)

  These are just ideas for locations for fights and I'm sure you all can think of better places for the fights but I'm just spit balling some ideas here. 


Kavala castle: https://gyazo.com/5b4ef8490cd712545f0fece8a0b04a95

Kavala square: https://gyazo.com/5b4ef8490cd712545f0fece8a0b04a95

Kavala Radio tower


 Make the city Athira the turf.

North Athira military base: https://gyazo.com/9a252a165778917444c6c8abddf79a21


Make the city Sofia the turf.

Sofia Military base: https://gyazo.com/2015a3c9f0a0586998076fad7c363cdd



Make the city Pyrgos the turf

Maybe west Pyrgos island: https://gyazo.com/622fc7dc395f0c779e95416c9c3d9a2d


Additional notes. In my opinion making the turfs within the city itself would make the turf war a lot more accessible to new gangs and players that want to get into fights. Only problems would be having a player spawn being a red zone which could also dishearten brand new players. The issue with putting it outside the city itself is that new players will not get involved with the fights (similarly to  cartels) and it’ll end up being a fight between two big gangs like it always has. I think if the fight is outside the city it’ll end up getting boring just like all the other cartels IMO.

Also, if the city turf is in the city, I would highly recommend making it a moving capture zone within the turf similar to how “codefourgaming” KOTH servers have a moving priority zone. This would stop players from just camping a flag location (gang turfs) or stagnating capture zone (cartels). In all honesty stagnant zones make fights boring, predictable and less dynamic. Moving zones would ultimately balance the fights between defenders and attackers. If that is too hard to develop you can have it where there are multiple flag within a city turf and they must be captured like gang turf flags BUT they will randomly rotate four times during the city turf capture time and players must capture the new priority flag that pops. ( Example capture event last for 30 minutes. Every 7 and a half minutes players must push a new flag location in the  city turf to  start gaining more points.) Whoever has the most cumulative percentage during flag capture wins the city turf.

Edited by La Press
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1 hour ago, La Press said:

 @Ethan Darrell @Mitch (IFRIT)Hello. I have two ideas for new content. My first idea is ok but I feel like the second idea would spice up the server. My first idea would be a new cartel that collects tax from legal ways of making money. For example a natural resource cartel that receives a cut from legal vendors like jewelry, commodity, timber, market produce (apples) being sold or purchased.  

Natural resource location 1: https://gyazo.com/7d258d6cd17db77680cefec4b735efef


Natural resource cartel location #2: https://gyazo.com/98c27e24d479b620d63d8b0f575f3afe


Another idea I had was city turfs. The general idea is like gang turfs. A city or landmark near a city will turns into a red zone and allows for capture. If captured the winner will collect a tax on EVERYTHING (illegal(drug & wong), legal( garage fees, weapon store, selling or buying with any trader)) sold or bought within the city they fought for. There will be 4 city turfs (Kavala, Sofia, Athira, and Pyrgos) Only one city turf can be active at a time. I have no idea how long they should last and how often they should pop.

  Just an idea here but I'm thinking maybe even allowing the APD to compete for these city turfs  in hope to make fights feel different and fresh every time they pop. The APD can either get the tax or a check like they do when winning a federal event as their reward. (When a city turf capture zone is active no federal events may be started to give cops the break from being raped at federal events.)

  These are just ideas for locations for fights and I'm sure you all can think of better places for the fights but I'm just spit balling some ideas here. 


Kavala castle: https://gyazo.com/5b4ef8490cd712545f0fece8a0b04a95

Kavala square: https://gyazo.com/5b4ef8490cd712545f0fece8a0b04a95


 Make the city Athira the turf.

North Athira military base: https://gyazo.com/9a252a165778917444c6c8abddf79a21


Make the city Sofia the turf.

Sofia Military base: https://gyazo.com/2015a3c9f0a0586998076fad7c363cdd



Make the city Pyrgos the turf

Maybe west Pyrgos island: https://gyazo.com/622fc7dc395f0c779e95416c9c3d9a2d


Additional notes. In my opinion making the turfs within the city itself would make the turf war a lot more accessible to new gangs and players that want to get into fights. Only problems would be having a player spawn being a red zone which could also dishearten brand new players. The issue with putting it outside the city itself is that new players will not get involved with the fights (similarly to  cartels) and it’ll end up being a fight between two big gangs like it always has. I think if the fight is outside the city it’ll end up getting boring just like all the other cartels IMO.

Also, if the city turf is in the city, I would highly recommend making it a moving capture zone within the turf similar to how “codefourgaming” KOTH servers have a moving priority zone. This would stop players from just camping a flag location (gang turfs) or stagnating capture zone (cartels). In all honesty stagnant zones make fights boring, predictable and less dynamic. Moving zones would ultimately balance the fights between defenders and attackers. If that is too hard to develop you can have it where there are multiple flag within a city turf and they must be captured like gang turf flags BUT they will randomly rotate four times during the city turf capture time and players must capture the new priority flag that pops. ( Example capture event last for 30 minutes. Every 7 and a half minutes players must push a new flag location in the  city turf to  start gaining more points.) Whoever has the most cumulative percentage during flag capture wins the city turf.

This is legit the best idea I've heard in all my time playing on the server

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here is one, revert prison to the old one, for one @Jbdragon is literally dog shit at SQM/map making please look at north Bank, Kavala pre getting fixed by the community, new prison tbh some of the new Pyrgos bank and some aspects of the mental asylum. there is a reason nobody goes to Athira bank. BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY ASSHOLE. so hear me out fellow gaymers, the previous prison was just so much more fun. this new one has nothing great, the old one had a sick courtyard, front gate was amazing reminder that there was a back gate too. it was just genuinely so much more fun and enjoyable not only as a prisoner but also a rebel breaking into it. 

Edited by Infamous [FULL SEND]
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1 hour ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

here is one, revert prison to the old one, for one @Jbdragon is literally dog shit at SQM/map making please look at north Bank, Kavala pre getting fixed by the community, new prison tbh some of the new Pyrgos bank and some aspects of the mental asylum. there is a reason nobody goes to Athira bank. BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY ASSHOLE. so hear me out fellow gaymers, the previous prison was just so much more fun. this new one has nothing great, the old one had a sick courtyard, front gate was amazing reminder that there was a back gate too. it was just genuinely so much more fun and enjoyable not only as a prisoner but also a rebel breaking into it. 

Current Prison is fine! 

Ryan., Vortex, Donald and 1 other like this
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1 hour ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

here is one, revert prison to the old one, for one @Jbdragon is literally dog shit at SQM/map making please look at north Bank, Kavala pre getting fixed by the community, new prison tbh some of the new Pyrgos bank and some aspects of the mental asylum. there is a reason nobody goes to Athira bank. BECAUSE IT'S LITERALLY ASSHOLE. so hear me out fellow gaymers, the previous prison was just so much more fun. this new one has nothing great, the old one had a sick courtyard, front gate was amazing reminder that there was a back gate too. it was just genuinely so much more fun and enjoyable not only as a prisoner but also a rebel breaking into it. 

Cant blame him for the placement of objects, if you didn't know the server runs a script to place them on our server and it gets lost in translation as for calling him "dog shit" at making things, i'd like to see you attempt any sort of remodel of any of the events we have, and hear the feedback you will get for it

Ryan. and Copa like this
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2 minutes ago, Big Gay Jay said:

Cant blame him for the placement of objects, if you didn't know the server runs a script to place them on our server and it gets lost in translation as for calling him "dog shit" at making things, i'd like to see you attempt any sort of remodel of any of the events we have, and hear the feedback you will get for it

I'd like to see you personally do it aswell jay

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On 7/12/2021 at 5:16 AM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:

Ok, so what does that update look like? people always say update but fail to provide actual ideas that improves the situation. We are listening but need ideas that we could actually do. 

I am not sure about the dom, as it seems to be a rat race to catch the ban evaders and cheaters. Will ask devs etc about what the status is etc. 

Redesign the north bank if you have ideas.  Laser tag is already got something planned iirc. I would like to see the entire crafting system expanded.

Find and pitch those new locations but be aware, people fucking hate change. They scream for it and then scream that it was changed 6 months later. 

Looking into it. problem we run into is too many federal events and the cops will never be seen anywhere else on the map. It's a balance i am struggling to iron out currently. 

i hope you're kidding. 

Economy is a bit out of wack. looking at ways to reel it back in a bit. Will look into

bug report?

working on it

seems like a cool idea. let's see what the devs do with it. 

yeah zero issues there


may be able to do that. but people spend too much time trying to dupe so bulk items can be a headache. 

You quote everyones opinion but not mine - Feels bad man :( 

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1 hour ago, Smee said:

You quote everyones opinion but not mine - Feels bad man :( 

been thinking about it and didn't have a answer at the time I replied to the others above. But let's get into it.


Frist I totally agree that providing a FiveM experience would be awesome. But there are some major roadblocks that I face on the back side of things. As a user it's rather simple to request and dream of a new venture. But with some of the lessons I learned with my Minecraft attempt, it's one thing to want, it's a whole different animal to do. 

The first and biggest issue is I simply don't have the development team that can undertake creating a reputable and custom FiveM server. We could provide a "prebuilt" server that uses various plugins but I feel that is betraying what the Asylum name was founded as, and known as. If I am going to pool precious resources into something again, I am going to ensure that we have it done to a T. Development takes time and energy. I cannot pay someone, or a few people to develop full time to crank something out in two weeks that is ready to go. 

On top of that, the team that would be needed would need to be dependable and trustable and not a random person off of FiveR that can complete the work. 

To be blunt, I am waiting for Jesse's/ Dillon's FiveM project to continue into their release phase. I am hopeful that in the near future there may be more opportunity for Asylum to offer a life server on GTA. I find that game a ton of fun and would enjoy having our name further out there with it. 

Moving on  I will not ditch the Arma side of things to move to a new game. We have a ton of people that have poured a ton of dedication and long days and nights to get us to where we are at. These people have given up their free time within their own lives at my request to fix and develop the server at various times. I understand that making a switch fully seems appealing, but it would also stab some in the back.

If you are reading this and think that you have a solution please contact me. But be aware that it won't be a easy sell and there will be a ton of questions. 




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Guest Doomba

A server 2 on the Linux branch of arma would be nice. I'd wager it would be full all the time. I'm in a discord with about 500 members that plays on the Linux branch on Arma 3 and the main complaint is the lack of servers available (The linux branch has no battleye and also lags several versions behind the windows branch) so we make our own scenarios to play.

If maintaining 2 separate arma versions is too tough on the dev team you could just make a whitelisted server 2 for Linux users and the only change needed would be disabling battleye. We can run the main branch of the game with Proton but there's still no battleye support. If you want I can do some "market research" for you and collect a list of people who would play to determine if there's enough interest to merit the headache of a whitelisted non battleye protected server.

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On 7/13/2021 at 11:17 AM, AdaM_ said:

Ifrit prices and chop prices should increase, forcing players to revert to using 1-2 ifrits in a fight rather than 1 ifrit per person, honestly its ruined the meta for fights as there isnt any strategy to anything anymore, cartels used to be fun now they're dog. In regards to locations for cartels. Bring back north wongs, bring back east arms. I know its something we've already had but it mixes things up for now 

North Wongs is still a thing? rotation wise is ass,but i think it should be switched with east arms but the dom version of it,instead of the tower sounds a bit more interesting imho.

Yea the whole ifrit zerg thing is wack,could counter with a 50 but id rather the gun play then someone gettin lucky in a 50.

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13 hours ago, Big Gay Jay said:

Cant blame him for the placement of objects, if you didn't know the server runs a script to place them on our server and it gets lost in translation as for calling him "dog shit" at making things, i'd like to see you attempt any sort of remodel of any of the events we have, and hear the feedback you will get for it

hey man, I think you have forgotten to look at athira bank and kavala pre community update!

Edited by Infamous [FULL SEND]
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2 hours ago, DankBud said:

North Wongs is still a thing? rotation wise is ass,but i think it should be switched with east arms but the dom version of it,instead of the tower sounds a bit more interesting imho.

Yea the whole ifrit zerg thing is wack,could counter with a 50 but id rather the gun play then someone gettin lucky in a 50.

North wongs that is currently on isnt the one im talking about, if you played in 911 era you'd know what im on about, that tower compound is literally the worst thing I've seen in my life

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On 7/9/2021 at 8:01 PM, Mitch (IFRIT) said:



With the recent patch. I love the direction we're heading. My question to you..

With the recent updates, do you also agree with the direction we are heading?

Why, or why not?

What would you enjoy seeing in future updates and or the direction of this place. 

Comment below

Recent updates are cool BUT

Add more to subscription or make it $5 again, its not worth right now.(just more vehicle skins or weapon skins)

Also a new honor system maybe like a skill tree

Some new clothing like offbrand gucci or supreme or something like that

add cool vehicle skins not just some csgo skins

Add some new songs to the boombox not some shitty roblox tycoon songs

Raise Bounty cap atleast a little maybe make it like 250k 

Revamp Cartels/turfs and make them worth it for people who want to fight

More gang related stuff, like gang vehicle skins, gang clothing 




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I would love to see a dynamic economy to make it feel more real. Items that players buy all the time, give incentive for other players to make them. This could make grinding money feel more rewarding. The Asylum exchange feels like an after thought and I think it serves a good role in the economy but it feels out of place with its current integration. Also, when I'm bounty hunting, I feel like my only option is to turn in my target. Maybe think of a way to incentives me to let them go once in a while. This would improve the feeling of helplessness that sweeps over you when you are taken by a bounty hunter. Make the restrained person try to convince the bounty hunter to take a different rout. I love the event and think that they add a lot to the gameplay. The content I would absolutely love to see is NPC quests or something. Give me an incentivized to try to make money in a way I never have before. I want to be incentivized to explore new parts of the map. ability to rent houses for a specified amount of time without actually transferring ownership? 

Overall, I love the direction Asylum is taking and appreciate the dev work that has gone into keeping the server feeling fresh even after all of these years. Thank you!

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