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Conquest/Strife or KoTH?

What one?  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Strife/Conquest or KoTH

    • Strife/Conquest
    • KoTH
    • Something Else - Life Servers / SaMatra KoTH / Exile / etc.

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Doing some market research...

If Asylum had 1 of each server (KoTH, Conquest/Strife, Life Server) what would you rather be playing? Now, keep in mind, there would be no AFK paychecks on Strife lol.. You'd actually have to play it... Also, these would be Asylum specific and have possibly shared rewards across servers etc.

Feel free to vote. 

Curious for answers to the following as well:

  1. What do you dislike about KoTH servers?
  2. What do you like most about KoTH servers?
  3. What did you like most about strife (not afk paychecks)?
  4. What did you dislike most about strife (not the removal of afk paychecks)?
EthanS and Jbdragon like this
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God I loved strife, It just gave you freedom to do almost anything and you somewhat get a feeling of Battlefield.


The only things that were somewhat "broken" were ofc. the paychecks (maybe there has to be a separate money system to fix it and not link it to the life servers) and Jets at one point since you had almost not ability to fight them from the ground.



Kawaii and Jbdragon like this
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Just now, HomeTrlx said:

God I loved strife, It just gave you freedom to do almost anything and you somewhat get a feeling of Battlefield.


The only things that were somewhat "broken" where ofc. the paychecks (maybe there has to be a separate money system to fix it and not link it to the life servers) and Jets at one point since you had almost not ability to fight them from the ground.



Drive around in the AA like I did, great against Jets and infantry/helicopters/jets..... but not so great against the tanks

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Strife was great, really enjoyed the conquest style gameplay and being able to use most of whats available in Arma. Jets were too broken, there were too many capture points, it was buggy and the AFK paychecks were broken but I feel like this is all relatively easy to fix. A KOTH/CQC server will not do well IMO since theres already established options for those and the modes are stale. 

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  1. What do you dislike about KoTH servers?

I enjoy most KoTH servers as long as there are no aids vehicles and weapons. No navid, or anything like that. I think making something like asylums combat would be alot of fun(mks and nothing that much bigger) it would be something pretty unique from the rest

  1. What do you like most about KoTH servers?

Its easy to just lay back hop on koth and have a good time fighting as an alternative to asylum fighting where you cant just lay back and shit because you have limited lifes and supplys and it takes alot more time to get back into the fight

  1. What did you like most about strife (not afk paychecks)?

Super cool how it was intertwined with asylum economy. If you can balance this it would be cool. Also liked that it was very fast paced and had multiple objectives

  1. What did you dislike most about strife (not the removal of afk paychecks)?

Sometimes aids with the people who were just too good with jets. I like the jets in the game but maybe a bit of a nerf with no bombs? Maybe just have jets with guns? idk how to balance it but some people are just gods with the jets and could shut down an entire team with one.

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Strife with some adjustments would be fucking awesome


What I disliked most about strife was jets and armored vehicles like tanks and APCs.  There is just no way to balance them within Arma, they're meant to be OP and just are unbalanced for various reasons.

What I liked most about Strife was when all things came together, teams were balanced, and there wasn't a lot of OP vehicles out, then the combat was some of the best fun I've had in Arma.  I think with the removal of armored vehicles and jets, less capture points, and ways to balance teams then strife is a MUCH better option than koth.

Edited by Sheriff Rick
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Strife was fun if you wanted to play mil sim with the same Asylum crew. Would be fun to have an invade and annex style with AI where players could choose which side they want to play. Gives combat with missions. Maybe earn points to purchase weapons and vehicles that is separate from life money. Or a little of both; life money and combat points

Jbdragon, ColtonB205 and Heidelberg like this
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My vote would be for Strife to comeback. 
With Strife things to remember...
1. Remove Mines Spam.
2. No Advanced Flight model.
3. Put in the Asylum buy menu.
4. No 9.3 Caliber.
5. Put the map either Tano, Maldin or Laviona.
6. Put in most of the OG asylum code in it like...
    6a. Group system, Jump Script, Tac-ping etc...
7. Keep Voice channels to... Group and Direct.
8. Maybe an abilty to build up defenses on a captured point (Nothing crazy like)
9. Perks & Skill Trees for both factions.
    9a. Perks added onto a faction for controling a certain part of the map like...( Costs for loadouts, Costs for Vehicles, HALO Jumps etc... )
    9b. A Squad Leader Perk to where you can spawn on him/her if you are not in combat.
10. Alot of DEV LOVE

As for Jesse's Questions...

  1. What do you dislike about KoTH servers?
    Fighting Calibers that go beyone 7.62, Dont get me wrong 50. Beowolf rounds and the sniper rifles are perfectly fine. I Hateed the 9.3mm guns.
  2. What do you like most about KoTH servers?
    The over all gun fights.
  3. What did you like most about strife (not afk paychecks)?
    It was a completely different game mode from any other one out there. Had some really great figths with bigger groups, The fights in Air, Ground and Sea, The Teamwork you had to make in order to win, The ability to go and make Spec-ops groups and go in as a group to try and capture a Capture Point.  
  4. What did you dislike most about strife (not the removal of afk paychecks)?
    The very much lack of dev support, pretty much killed the game. 

I really do hope to see Strife return in a very strong way ! 

HomeTrlx, ColtonB205 and Heidelberg like this
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Cartel battlefield/conquest/war server, where gangs and groups take control/raid areas for rewards that get linked back to the main life server.

Those without a gang or group affiliation can still join the server but as mercs for hire or independents with side missions that generate cash rewards that help them get off the ground on the main life server. 

Persistent and dynamic world between the two servers, where people craft items[weapons,vehicles etc] to use on the battle server.

Rebrand as Asylum ONLINE.

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On 5/28/2020 at 10:35 AM, Jbdragon said:


My vote would be for Strife to comeback.   
10. Alot of DEV LOVE



honstly thats seems to be the  main issue with the old strife , was so much fun but lacking the devs to fix it .

Also money wasnt balanced out with the life servers , alot of money made in a strife game which is not a bad thing but needs to even with the life server .

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the Vehicle discussion on strife I suggest...

1. If the plan is to make the maps rotate, then make it to where each map has its own different vehicle play. For example. 
    1A. Tano - HEAVY AIR/Ground Warfare = Helis, Heavy Tanks, AA Tanks, APCs, Light Vehicles. 
    2A. Altis - NORMAL AIR/Ground Warfare = Helis, Heavy Tanks, AA Tanks, APC's, Light Vehicles. 
    3A. Maldin - LIGHT Ground Warfare = APC's, Light Vehicles. 

2. If the plan is not to make the maps rotate, then put the map as Tano...
    2A. Tano has a shit ton of cover from Armor and Air vehicles any way.
    2B. No Jets

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/27/2020 at 4:45 PM, Jesse said:

3. What did you like most about strife (not afk paychecks)? Large variety of weapons and ground/air vehicles was fun. Liked having a large amount of capture points spread across the map that teams had to fight for.
4. What did you dislike most about strife (not the removal of afk paychecks)? Flying jets into the out of bounds areas over bases wouldn't give you enough warning or time to turn around.


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  • 4 months later...
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