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Asylum Pre-Patch Announcement 6/12/2024

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43 minutes ago, HunterB said:


我们了解,目前服务器的状态存在一些重大问题,例如人口稀少、QOL 改进等。尽管我们尽了最大努力提供大量新内容,但我们还是决定对 Asylum 进行一些重大改革,以期整体上改善玩家体验,我们想发布一个简短的公告,概述即将发生的一些事情(这些不是实际的补丁说明)




  • 考虑到服务器的状态和大多数其他人的反馈,我们的开发人员一直在努力为 Asylum 创建一个新环境(有些人称之为 Asylum v3、Asylum Reborn,随便你怎么叫)。我们退后一步,回归本源。玩家进度将被抹去,您的捐赠者等级和派系等级将保持不变。


  • 我们将在擦除开始时更频繁地引入新的补丁和变化,引入新的/旧的内容项目。
  • 一开始会有四个联邦事件——联邦、银行、赌场和监狱。
    • 这是为了防止玩家在第一个月就过度膨胀经济,就像上次测试中看到的那样。
  • 天赋系统 - 完全移除(不再为不必要的天赋而努力)。
    • 一些人才被重新分配到派系等级,其他人则被分散在恶名、威望和荣誉之后。
  • 住房变化:
    • 共 3 栋房屋(包括 1 间棚屋)
    • 增加了虚拟和实物物品的最大存储选项。
  • 合法和非法的赚钱方式已经被重新设计,使两者都能实现可负担的生活 - 但非法方式仍然会支付更多。
  • 暂时移除无人机。
  • 启动资金增加了。
  • 根据您所拥有的卡特尔数量支付每小时卡特尔费用。
  • 移除了净化。
  • 简化制作。
  • 还有很多很多的事情,无法在预先公告中一一列出。 


  • 管理员 - 暂时不会获得任何金钱或福利,包括载具。(他们将像您一样成为新玩家)
    • 这是为了确保整个社区的公平性。但是,正常游戏之外的管理员职责仍将保留,并且仍可以举办活动,为社区带来乐趣。 
  • 我们正在清除您今年的当前禁令次数。
  • 总体而言,禁令时间将大幅减少。目标是让玩家参与游戏。
  • 玩家冲突争议 - 如果玩家不是故意违反规则,他们可以尝试通过补偿来解决。玩家不必接受补偿,但是,如果我们认为您的情况属实,管理团队会考虑您的补偿。注意 - 这还不是游戏内功能……目前还不是。 

APD 变更:(临时变更)(如有变更,恕不另行通知)

  • 目前不会进行房屋搜查
  • 禁止无人机
  • 所有警队都将遵守直升机的指导方针。(没有地面部队,不得搜查非法区域)
    • 如果该区域有地面部队,警察可能会使用直升机进行处置。
    • 20 毒品田的  30分钟计时器冷却时间。
    • 2  所有非法毒品区域终身规则,无论有多少警察在线(例如:5 名或更少的警察不再有效) 



- 庇护团队

When's the amnesty? Tom wants to come back and play again.

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1 minute ago, Akeelagi said:

Not the way I figured we’d of gone. I figured we’d try modding the server as there is so much more content we are missing out by being so stubborn and not using mods but we will see. I think it’s got a decent chance despite the loud few. 


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11 minutes ago, Walt said:

What’s the timeline for a server wipe? Also will domination money remain separate from main server?

They said on TS in roughly 1 weeks time or thereabouts. As far as dom being separate I don't think they said if they did I missed it

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1 minute ago, Knight05 said:

They said on TS in roughly 1 weeks time or thereabouts. As far as dom being separate I don't think they said if they did I missed it

Dom will prob be shut down for a bit, then adjusted and go from there was the comment said.

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1 hour ago, pan fried said:

I bet the people that still logged in to the server every day to grind and look for houses will be very pleased that they can finally call it quits and at least the people that always cried about server wipe and never stuck around will have a fun couple of days

I guess this it it good riddance

This is the sentiment I have heard the most

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16 hours ago, Knight05 said:

They said on TS in roughly 1 weeks time or thereabouts. As far as dom being separate I don't think they said if they did I missed it

Needs to be separate economy if they plan on keeping a domination server, although I completely understand if they are shutting down server 2.

Thing is I hope there a public timeline of future events, so I know when to go crazy with my money. Honestly looking forward to wipe. I understand people are upset at losing there progress, but this is the best thing for the game. Monthly wipes would be utterly unique and would add a new dynamic to arma 3 servers not done before. Would keep things entertaining for players, give a reason to grind again, bring back the fun in classic arma 3, and would furthermore allow players to be competitive again through wipes.

Edited by Walt
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1 hour ago, luke110 said:

How did we lose to a server that has NLR in 2024 


Asking the real questions fr 


22 minutes ago, Walt said:

Needs to be separate economy if they plan on keeping a domination server, although I completely understand if they are shutting down server 2.

Thing is I hope there a public timeline of future events, so I know when to go crazy with my money. Honestly looking forward to wipe. I understand people are upset at losing there progress, but this is the best thing for the game. Monthly wipes would be utterly unique and would add a new dynamic to arma 3 servers not done before. Would keep things entertaining for players, give a reason to grind again, bring back the fun in classic arma 3, and would further more allow players to be competitive again through wipes.

Agreed, I feel like there is more development that we could do if we based it on “seasons” with a gang wars event at the end of the season for the title.

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I just find it funny that people still go for ideas that are mainly backed by admins, career cops and people that never stick around long enough to actually keep good houses or make enough money to buy them.....

It seems really dumb to me that those people decide that what the server needs is new/more grind every patch when they are not fazed by that decision at all.


Hey Guys Superduperadminteam here,

after you didn't like the grindy and shitty new things we added last patch we decided to wipe everything so you can grind again just like you wanted.

We gonna buy good houses with adminmoney so you don't have to fight over them. All our Career Cop YAY sayers told us they don't care and we should go ahead with it.

Thank you for your time.


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1 hour ago, Roice said:

Asking the real questions fr 


Agreed, I feel like there is more development that we could do if we based it on “seasons” with a gang wars event at the end of the season for the title.

you’re going to comment without reading the whole post. Crazy. Anyway

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2 hours ago, Akeelagi said:

Not the way I figured we’d of gone. I figured we’d try modding the server as there is so much more content we are missing out by being so stubborn and not using mods but we will see. I think it’s got a decent chance despite the loud few. 

THIS!!!! some quality of life mods would go crazy 

Big fart and Silver-Spy like this
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1 minute ago, Sheriff Rick said:

Player numbers dropped fast during the test wipe, not so sure it's a great idea but it's also understandable why it's worth a shot anyways since busted money-making methods really messed with the economy 

bro what, player numbers were up during the test wipe. like significantly. it went from like 40 pop to 100 pop lol

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+1 Great announcement and it really seems like you guys are listening to a lot of the good feedback and complaints people have had over the past few months. While a wipe wasn't something I was rooting for I do think its a good thing. Even if I'm gonna lose all my houses and prestige, its worth it.

Housing changes are great. Will let people get some nice houses who are actually active.

Normalizing the earning ability of legal and illegal methods and simplifying the grind will be really awesome if done correctly. 

Overall I think this is a step in the right direction. Focusing on having more player retention from new and returning players so the community can grow. Good timing as well. Summer has started for some and even more will be out of College and Highschool coming the end of the month + steam sale will be a good opportunity to bring in new people. Its all or nothing now and I think this will give us the best shot. Shoutout to all the devs working hard in the background on this. 

I hope the devs will get some time to improving and expanding on some of the older money making methods so that they are more engaging and viable.

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How you guys handled these last few months is a very good indication of how you will handle this new wipe. Even if Asylum retains these players, unless this change is cooking out three new competent developers with actual good ideas then this wipe is nothing short of dog shit. You're all so unpredictable that it's best for players to just make the switch to Oly if they still have an interest in Arma, that's all you're incentivizing at this point. This wipe isn't "new content", this is y'all giving up. This announcement is a reflection of how bad things were under the development path of @Fitzand poor leadership of @HunterBand whichever other irrelevant fuck put this together behind the scenes. You couldn't appease the community when it had 20 players, what makes you think you'll appease it with whatever fairy tale numbers y'all are dreaming up?

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Anyone thats been around for 5+ years should agree that an economy wipe at this point is necessary. If everyone has infinite money, ifrits etc it removes all incentives to do events, cartels etc. Server was way more fun in 2017 and before, when fights were grimy because dying or losing an ifrit/orca/whatever had actual consequences. With how things are today, non roleplayers get a better experience on CQC as it's pretty much the same thing but without all the waiting between fights.

However I don't believe a housing wipe is necessary as it doesn't really contribute to the issues mentioned above, if economy is wiped houses should be kept, this would keep most players happy.

As for domination, vehicle garage should be made seperate from main server and vehicle and loadout costs should be reduced so that dom only players don't have to grind S1 to play. Or just make the economy seperate from S1

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