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Wipe event feedback thread


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Could possibly consider (if there's another test wipe like this) let certain cop ranks keep certain talents? Etc. I've seen majority of cops getting shafted mainly because talents that are having to go against massive fed events semi-constantly with protectors no vests, etc. Not KEEP all talents, but at least cop faction start with a couple? Not sure. 🤔

Edited by Sandwich
quick wording edit
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I tried this for 30 minutes while on cop, as it stands it puts the APD super behind.

-Cops across the board should start at a certain level of talent points to at least combat event spam (without easy access to higher caliber rounds or armor we get rolled worst then usual)

-Do a slow roll out for federal events ie. First day or two federal events are disabled, then the following days slowly reduce the time between events from an hour down to normal 15 minutes, this gives cops the chance to gain a few more talent points by patrolling illegal areas and cities.

Mr. Chow, rmwilson, Ronald and 2 others like this
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4 minutes ago, Sandwich said:

Could possibly consider (if there's another test wipe like this) let certain cop ranks keep certain talents? Etc. I've seen majority of cops getting shafted mainly because talents that are having to go against massive fed events semi-constantly with protectors no vests, etc. Not KEEP all talents, but at least cop faction start with a couple? Not sure. 🤔

Building on this.

Possibly only give SGT+ talents to a certain degree? One of the benefits of the Cadet week is that Cadets can roll with Constable+ that already have decent money in the bank and talents (vest, gun, flashes, etc). Maybe just allow SGT+ to default have their set rank items (vehicles/weapons)? So if all ranks are set at the bottom basically given what Cadets are, the pick up time to get back to a functioning hierarchy would take a while. No idea. Just throwing it out there. 

Austin M and Polar like this
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57 minutes ago, King said:

Been hearing a lot of cops complain about gear differences when fighting rebels so some suggestions regarding that to lessen the tears.

- Put a group limit in place to maybe around 10 people?

- Increase federal event cooldowns so that police can spend some time to get their talents to allow them to get their t2 vests and spars.


Agreed fed event cooldown needs to be 1 hr. 

Edited by heater
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2 hours ago, Sandwich said:

Could possibly consider (if there's another test wipe like this) let certain cop ranks keep certain talents? Etc. I've seen majority of cops getting shafted mainly because talents that are having to go against massive fed events semi-constantly with protectors no vests, etc. Not KEEP all talents, but at least cop faction start with a couple? Not sure. 🤔

Rebels lose all talents also?

2 hours ago, King said:

Been hearing a lot of cops complain about gear differences when fighting rebels so some suggestions regarding that to lessen the tears.

- Put a group limit in place to maybe around 10 people?

- Increase federal event cooldowns so that police can spend some time to get their talents to allow them to get their t2 vests and spars.


And bring back to ratio for cops vs civ on server?

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21 minutes ago, bigjohn561 said:

Rebels lose all talents also?

1) your not forced to go to a event

2) you dont need 15 talents to be able to succeed as a rebel,

Weapons: 1 for a vest, 2 for Constable, 3 for CPL, 4 for LT, 1 for flashbang, vs 0 for rebel

For cars its, 2 needed for Constable, 3 for CPL, 4 for SGT+ vs 1 for civs (ifrit)

 3 for orca VS 1 for civ orca

4 talents for revive for cops, 0 for rebel

so 15 talents for CPL vs 1 or 2 for civ. 

extra: 8 for BH (still need honour) 

3) You can farm experiance as a civ, hard to farm experience when your forced to go a federal event


15 for CPL vs 2 for CIV vs (8+2+Honour) for BH. 


also im pretty sure talents are gained on a experience graph that follows a exponential line (I could be wrong on this one though)



Edited by Nicolas March
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Here’s my two cents in this. 
When I speak for a lot of the vets who have been on this server it’s not a wipe we are looking forward. Rather we want something drastic changed with money making/ income etc. Lot’s of these guys worked many months and years to accumulate their incomes and houses and wiping all that would discourage a huge player base from returning to the server. Rather my second thought on it would be that a wipe would serve no purpose as to after a few months everything would return to normal as it would be prior to the wipe. Now a suggestion I would be willing to implement since we are trying to keep this a realism server, is to open up something where there could be larger scale gang wars. Maybe a new server or on fire free zone in the south peninsula where there could be a large scale war with tanks jets and helicopters as they would use the originality of arma with something of that war like simulator implemented into a life server. The main problem that asylum encounters is that fresh spawns are heavily vulnerable and discouraged while the big guys who are rich to endless times can camp big cities or anything to their liking while never having to worry about loosing kits. I think maybe a progressive tax system to go against the rich is beneficial. Change the governed system. But yea that’s pretty much some ideas on top of my head. Hopefully it helps. If you need any clarification your free to reply to me

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As one of the long time players in this server, I personally think the server wipe does not make too much of difference. I mean sure, at first there will be lots of player and player interaction, but that will be only temporary because once people buy all of their valuable houses  (industrial sheds, 3cr house close to their objective money making locations), or when housing market gets tight, the main gaming interaction will go back to what it was before in few months time.

In my opinion, the main interaction in the game will only gets changed when cartels, Turfs, APD, Medic, and illegal zones becomes more balance.

Here's the explanation below if you like to read:

1. I have known way too many people that they just make money with APD where they don't ever have to make money as a civilian.

2. Some Turfs and cartels don't worth much to fight for or spend 15 to 20 minutes to capture

3. When it comes to money making red zone, some red zones are more valuable than others depending on the reward and time that needs to be spent in them, and depending which gang or group of people that have their property near those locations, it makes it not practical for most people to interact in those zones

4. Most consumable items (i.e MK1s, Vests, Vehicles)  they can easily be crafted without a Turf or cartel requirements, making it almost not worthy for many small gangs or civs to fight for

In summery, as I mentioned above cartels, Turfs, APD, Medic and money making illegal zones needs a overhaul in order crate more interactive experience for all people no matter how small or big their gangs are.

And Mitch, if you like to press the reset button and wipe the server, please make sure you give a fair warning both in server and forums couple of weeks in advance (at least 3 weeks) so that no matter if you are old or new player, every one will get a exact date and time to start over.


Thank you,

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Honestly, 5 hours in, sure there were a lot of people on. But... It was almost back to the same shit just semi lower tier guns/vehicles. Kavala everything was blowing up and the houses that were popular were mostly already owned by the same people (besides ones sniped just to spite certain people). Athira had the same dudes that always ran it. Nothing about this feels like it will change a single thing. It will increase server pop for a month or two, then feels like the people that did grind for all this time to give up. 

TRYHARD, luke110, Alex. and 3 others like this
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2 hours ago, mopardoctor said:

Here’s my two cents in this. 
When I speak for a lot of the vets who have been on this server it’s not a wipe we are looking forward. Rather we want something drastic changed with money making/ income etc. Lot’s of these guys worked many months and years to accumulate their incomes and houses and wiping all that would discourage a huge player base from returning to the server. Rather my second thought on it would be that a wipe would serve no purpose as to after a few months everything would return to normal as it would be prior to the wipe. Now a suggestion I would be willing to implement since we are trying to keep this a realism server, is to open up something where there could be larger scale gang wars. Maybe a new server or on fire free zone in the south peninsula where there could be a large scale war with tanks jets and helicopters as they would use the originality of arma with something of that war like simulator implemented into a life server. The main problem that asylum encounters is that fresh spawns are heavily vulnerable and discouraged while the big guys who are rich to endless times can camp big cities or anything to their liking while never having to worry about loosing kits. I think maybe a progressive tax system to go against the rich is beneficial. Change the governed system. But yea that’s pretty much some ideas on top of my head. Hopefully it helps. If you need any clarification your free to reply to me

congratz on the stupidest message on the forums

as a vet this mans doesn't speak for me

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Another "vet" here

I feel like a wipe would be a good start. But I also feel that as things stand right now, people won't have difficulty getting money and getting back to how it was before because they already are in groups and possess the knowledge needed to do so.

I believe that a full overhaul is needed. Move fields and processors around. E.g. Place heroin closer to Athira, make it a double process, or move meth from where it is now and place it in the top left of the map. Honestly, I think that this way people will face more of a challenge.

Sure, a lot will feel the discouragement of having to start all over again, but it is a necessary step. Make amends to the money cap - no more than 10 mil. Add a "rent" system for people who do not play a certain amount of hours every 15 days - this will help ensure that people who don't play enough won't have their houses forever. 

Lastly, when it comes to cop, make getting talent points a little easier than it is now. We have limited things to do to earn them (impound, ticket, seize, jail) and with a lot of officers on (or a constant fed spam) it can become horribly difficult to do anything. Maybe include a tac vest in the default loadout or something, because as things stand right now, fed events are the easiest way to make money, because most cops are one tappable and do not have enough firepower to fight 6.5 and 7.62. On the same note, maybe increase downtime between fed events - last night there was a constant fed spam for about 2 hours.

Just my 2 cents anyways.

kingofcanada, Vash and Sandwich like this
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Wipe will boost players for just months in the end of the day. history repeats itself,

were already in 2022 we dont need to comeback again. we can't force people that doesnt want to play the server anymore.. lets move on and create a new excitements! event,new roles,missions,unlock some new weapons? new helicopter? we just need to be creative.


a lot of us put lot of hours in the server. just dont wipe it fort those people doesnt want to play in the server anymore LoL, wiping the server cant save it if it gonna be dead server. 

i am in the server even its only 10 ppl i am in the server when its full. i mean lot of us put hours and life in the game and lot of efforts.

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7 minutes ago, FilipinoBusinessman said:

i am in the server even its only 10 ppl i am in the server when its full. i mean lot of us put hours and life in the game and lot of efforts.


If Asylum has million numbers of players I am one of them. If Asylum has ten players I am one of them. If Asylum have only one player and that is me. If Asylum has no players, that means I am no more on the earth. If world against the Asylum, I am against the world.

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Like a nice money sink to help is the ability to buy loot crate keys with ig $.Make it a lot obviously or just let us get custom stuff with asylum money.Having >1 mill and being in a proper gang means the grind is over for you in asylum.For me having 2 mill or 20 at some point made 0 difference as i knew i could forever be in a profit.300K or more per key or 1M for a skin sounds right imo.


7 hours ago, Dillon said:

we had 6 and you outnumbered us. if i were on cop I woulda wiped em first life no kizzy.

you let me get jailed shush and l2p the videogame.

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I was thinking, what if, and I know its a lot of work and data entry and entering in values, But if at the end of the Temp, a certain percentage of money is then deposited in our Main Server accounts?  And even Gang if possible, I ask this only because, 1.  Its harder to start out again, i can't tell you how many things i went to do with no license hehe, 2. We get robbed much more frequent due to lazy SODs. hehe 3.  The 2 rule again and its much harder to get things going again and Loadouts are much much more precious, so if this could transfer to our Main, that would be worth wild.....plus it would attract more people as not a wasted or crazy time weekend for nothing hehe   Again i know its a lot of work but food for thought.  @Mitch (IFRIT)@Ronald@Blank

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So the wipe has breathed some new life into the sserver and it has been amazing, it feels like old asylum where the world is vibrant again and the economy isnt ruined and interaction between players gets driven.


However. It isnt going to take long for the economy to get ruined when the same things that people abused before are in the game. Weed was removed from houses, that is a good start. that will ensure more houses aer availible to people around the map, but scotch is still a big issue, it was an issue before weed seeds and will be again. Get rid of it before it before the passive money making starts to ramp stuff up again.


This weekend has shown asylums player base is hungry for the wipe you have given us, keep it this way.


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All my jokes about exploiting aside...i actually enjoyed playing a bit yesterday and it was fun to start from scratch as it was a bit of a challenge. Plus considering how many people have been a 2nd chance and unbanned it almost feels like how fun the server was 5-6 years ago with og players as well as new players grinding and working together to achieve whatever goals not just a monopoly of the same gang with a different name mass recruiting and making fights boring since all they did when someone would push with armor is blow them up with a vest or rpg. Now everyone is fuckin broke so we wont have to worry about such things for a while..(i hope)

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1 minute ago, Lex said:

Keep the wipe was much needed 

L take server pop already dying down

lol I gave the wipe a chance. Shocker, I hated it. Nothing better than sitting on ur phone why u gather for hours. hard pass on the wipe for me and if you look whos actually playing it was nv, ds, and the admin group last night. Server pop already down to the 50's and its killed it for me. Imma play dom but im not going to play the main server the rest of the weekend. I really hope this wipe don't go through cuz im not making money again

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